action depending on user




A user logs on to the application. When the password is checked in the table
Users I use the field user_id from that table to determine his rights in my
application. So I display only those records of a table WHERE RelationOf
LIKE user_id.

Can I use this method safely? What if 3 or 4 users are using the application
simultanuesly? Can Access 2003 keep them apart or is it possible that
user_id 3 gets the data of say user_id 2 ?

I tested it and didn't get errors so far which doesn't mean it's OK though.

Does anyone has any experiance or knoledge about this topic?

Sorry for my english.



Daniel Pineault

Yes, Access can differentiate them. You should really look into user-level
security (ULS). look at the help file or goolgle the terms as there is a
lots of information on this subject. With it you can check the user easily
by using the currentuser() fucntion.
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
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The main point here is that for it to keep the users separated, you will
need to be sure you are using a split database and each user has their own
copy of the front end on their computer.

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