Action with System Error Messages ~ Access 2003


R Bolling

I have a procedure that appends a flatfile daily into a table. In
most cases the procedure works as expected, but periodically, the
mainframe generated flatfile is corrupted and it stops the process in
its tracks with the ugly error message: "You tried to assign the Null
value to a variable that is not a variant data type." I tried to trap
that error message unsuccessfully, but what triggers it is the append
process itself when it hits the corruption. So it never gets to my
error routine.

What I would like to do is have it simultaneously execute at least a
Net Send message to specific DBAs when I get that message. I know
that I can use Shell("Net Send UserMachine Message Text") but I have
no clew on how to trigger this action when I get the error. Any ideas


Bob Bollinger

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