Activating different Workbooks




In Excel VBA Programming I am unable to activate the
worksheet with the activate property.

My code is something like this :

Public macrotemp As Variant
Public ExcelFile As Variant

Sub OpenOneFile()

ExcelFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel-
files,*.xls", _
1, "Select One File To Open", , False)
If TypeName(ExcelFile) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub

Debug.Print "Selected file: " & ExcelFile
Workbooks.Open ExcelFile
End Sub

Sub SaveOneFile()
Dim Wk As Workbook
Set Wk = Workbooks.Add

macrotemp = Application.GetSaveAsFilename
("MyFileName.xls", _
"Excel files,*.xls", 1, "Select your folder and
filename for the Output file")
If TypeName(macrotemp) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub

Wk.SaveAs macrotemp
End Sub

Sub mainprog()
ExcelSheet = InputBox("Please Enter the Name of the
Excel Sheet where the Data is Present: ")


x = Range("D" & 20).Value

MsgBox (x)
End Sub

The activate property of the worksheet is giving the
error "script out of range". How do i solve this ??

I would appreciate any help.

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