activation key



I purchased excel 2007 update last year. i have installed on 5 of my
computers. one of them crashed. i now have a new computer. after i installed
on my new computer and then activated. i get a message that i have installed
my final time. I have one computer that i installed as a backup. can i
uninstall from that computer and reinstall on my new computer that i will be
using all of the time? If i have to purchase a new upgrade again, do i have
to uninstall then reinstall, or can i just change the activation keys, and if
so , where do i go to do that.. Please help...been trying for hours for this
simple problem..


What Gary Keramidas said!

I've found that they are entirely reasonable when you explain what's going
on and demonstrate to them that you're remaining within the bounds of the
licensing agreement.

The way it's worked for me in the past in similar situations is that you get
to the point in the installation where it tells you that you're out of
activations and then you call the number and explain things to them. You
need to be at the computer and still at that point in the process. What will
happen then is they'll ask you for the key code you'd normally use and then
they'll read you a new one to type in at that point in time. The code they
give you is only good right then, that's why you have to be at that point of
the process. At least that's the way it's worked for me before.

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