Activation on 2 different computers



My wife and I have 2 different computers. 1 is in my
name, 1 is in hers. We have MS Office/Outlook. I
activated it on my computer and put it on hers as well.
The obvious problem here is that when we try to activate
the program it does not allow us to and she only has a
week or so left as it gives you 50 days of use. What are
my options here? Do I have to reinstall windows? Thanks

Shenan T. Stanley

Scott said:
My wife and I have 2 different computers. 1 is in my
name, 1 is in hers. We have MS Office/Outlook. I
activated it on my computer and put it on hers as well.
The obvious problem here is that when we try to activate
the program it does not allow us to and she only has a
week or so left as it gives you 50 days of use. What are
my options here? Do I have to reinstall windows? Thanks

Why would you reinstall Windows when Office Activation comes due?
Sounds more like you need to purchase another copy of Office and install
that new copy on her PC.

Shenan Stanley
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