Active Directory Group Synchronize Errors - Project Server 2003


John Stream

====== Error 1 ===============
Component: AD Connector
File: AutoADProcess
Line: -1
Description: <Description><![CDATA[AD PWA sync for : Help Desk - Internal PWA Group Error : (91)Object variable or With block variable not set]]></Description>

======= Error 2==============
Component: AD Connector
File: AutoADProcess
Line: -1
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Accessing AD group LDAP://CN=*****,OU=******,OU=*****,OU=*****,OU=*****,DC=*****,DC=*****,DC=***** failed due to error 28-FetchGroup: Out of stack space]]></Description>
The first error I get trying to synchronize our Help Desk group with the Help Desk group in Project Server 2003

The second error I get because of recursive group membership. Group A is a member of Group B...Group B is a member of Group A. Both A and B are members of C. I'm trying to synchronize C with Project Server. There are about 100 "warning events" in the event viewer before the "Out of Stack Space" error.

How can I get these errors to stop?


John Stream

I should also say...
We (under the advice of a vendor) temporarily installed Project 2003 Pro (the client) to the Project Server. After I did that, we noticed the Error 91. I removed Project 2003 Pro and we are still getting the error. We've always gotten the Out Of Stack Space Error.

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