Active Directory Resource Pool Synchronization


Scott Colmery

I apologize in advance for the length of this message:
Problem: Cannot remove members from Team Members default group, nor can I
choose different AD group to synchronize with, within the Team members group.

Background: 1 Moss 2007 SP1 WFE with Project. 1 SQL 2005 DB Server
Synchronized the AD Resource Pool with a very large AD group of about 10,000
entries (probably the first mistake?). By default all were added to Team
Members group. Have since decided to create dedicated AD group for Project
users/resources, when going toServer Settings, the AD Resource Pool
Synchronization shows that it is is set to the new (much smaller
Project-Users) AD Group, however, the members reflected in Team Members in
Manage Groups still show everyone from the original Employees group. We have
nightly syncs and have forced syncs to no avail. Any recommendations on how
to clear the AD Resource Pool and Re-populate?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Scott --

You set up Active Directory synchronization in two locations in PWA. When
you click Server Settings - Active Directory Resource Pool Synchronization,
this syncs the selected AD group with the Enterprise Resource Pool only.
You must click Server Settings - Manage Groups, select the Team Members
group, and then specify the new AD group there. This syncs the selected AD
group with the Team Members group. Did you do this second step? Let us

Scott Colmery

Yes, I have gone in to the Team members group and selected the new AD group,
but it does not maintain the change after I return to the Add/Edit group
after saving.

In addition, it appears that by default, all the contacts were added as
"Selected Users". If I remove a user then save, when I return to the
add/edit group screen (Team Member) the user has been re-added to the the
"Selected Users".

However, I am successfully syncing the following groups with differend AD
security groups: Administrators, Executive, Project Managers, and Team Leads.
It is only the Team members group which is giving me the problem.

Thanks for the quick response


Dale Howard [MVP]

Scott --

Well, you have reached the limit of my knowledge on this issue. I will
gladly defer to someone who has network administrator knowledge and/or
experience to assist you. Sorry I could not be of more help.

Scott Colmery

Thank you for trying. I don't know if it has something to do with possibly
reaching some sort of limit on the synch with the original employees AD
security group.

Scott Colmery

One other thing, we have not deployed the infrastrucuture updates on MOSS or

Do you have any experience with these updates, if so can you tell me from
your experience, what issues you have witnessed these updates fixing?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Scott --

The Infrastructure Update, paired with the latest Cumulative Update, fix
untold numbers of bugs and issues. The Infrastructure Update changes how
the My Tasks page displays, for example, to make it more user friendly, and
allows the Project Server administrator to add the Remaining Work field to
the My Timesheet page. My friend, you are more than a year behind on
updates if you haven't updated anything since SP1! :)

Rolly Perreaux

Yes, I have gone in to the Team members group and selected the new AD group,
but it does not maintain the change after I return to the Add/Edit group
after saving.

In addition, it appears that by default, all the contacts were added as
"Selected Users". If I remove a user then save, when I return to the
add/edit group screen (Team Member) the user has been re-added to the the
"Selected Users".

However, I am successfully syncing the following groups with differend AD
security groups: Administrators, Executive, Project Managers, and Team Leads.
It is only the Team members group which is giving me the problem.

Thanks for the quick response


Hi Scott,

Are you trying to remove the 10,000 users added to the Resource Pool
from your first attempt to synchronizing the Resource Pool, then
synchronizing the Resource Pool with the new AD Group?

If so, then try this:
- Clear all groups to be synchronized in the Server Settings (Team
members group and Enterprise Resource Pool)
- Leave this overnight
- Add only the new AD Group to the Enterprise Resource Pool Sync
- Force the Sync
- Check the Enterprise Resource Pool after a few minutes
- If your 10,000 users are still listed, then you'll need to manually
delete the 10,000 users (actually delete users that are not members in
your new AD Group as a test) from the Server Settings.
- The go to the Groups and add your new AD Group to the Team Members
Group for AD synchronization.
- Run the Group AD Synch

Let know your findings...

Good Luck,

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