Active Directory Synch Partially Succeeded



I keep getting the message that Active Driectory partially
succeeded when trying to synchronize the Enterprise
Resource Pool. I am running Project Server 2003 on a
Windows 2003 server with the SQL 2000 Database on a
separate Windows 2000 (SP4) server.

I have tried this over 20 times with various
combinations. Sometimes I would get all the way through
successfuly (by removing all but about 10 or 12 users).
But I can't seem to find the one (or more) users that are
causing the error.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Okay, now I am getting more consistent "successes". I
logged in as Administrator, instead of using my windows
account (which was configured as an administrator).

However, now the problem seems to be that a few users are
not being picked up in the Active Driectory
synchronization process; my own account is one of these.




Okay, answered my own question. While playing around with
Project 2003 Server during setup, I hand-entered a few
resource names (my own included). When I reinstalled, I
did not hand enter any names. After that, I synchronized
with the AD and everything has been fine.



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