Active Spreadsheets.


Trever B

is it possible to find out (Before import) what datasheets in an excel file
contain data.

In addition can you find the first active coloum & row

also the last coloum & row of an active sheet

John Nurick

It depends what you mean by "data" and "active". In general you can do
something like this air code, which relies on Excel's UsedRange

Dim oBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet

Set oBook = GetObject("C:\Folder\File.xls")

For Each oSheet in oBook.Worksheets
With oSheet
Debug.Print .Name, .UsedRange.Address, _
End With

Set oSheet = Nothing
oBook.Close False
Set oBook = Nothing

A sheet whose UsedRange is $A$1 and with no data in $A$1 is empty.

However, Excel's idea of a UsedRange isn't always the same as yours or
mine. You may need to run code to reset the UsedRange on each sheet
before you use it: see for ideas.

Trever B

John I am working on access 2000 & it does not like dim obook as excel.workwork

Urgent Help pls

Trever B

Thanks John.

but my database does not like "dim obook as excel.workbook"

can u help please urgently

John Nurick

You need to set a reference (Tools|References) to the Microsoft Excel X
Object Library (the value of X depends on the version of Office you are

Douglas J. Steele

There doesn't appear to be anything in your code that requires Early
Binding, John. Why not simply change

Dim oBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet


Dim oBook As Object
Dim oSheet As Object

and use it without a reference?

Ok, I'll admit it: I haven't tested. I can't guarantee that Set oBook =
GetObject("C:\Folder\File.xls") will work. If it doesn't, though, it's
simple to add another

Dim xlApp As Object

and use

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(strFile)

John Nurick

Hi Doug,

Intellisense is the only reason.

There doesn't appear to be anything in your code that requires Early
Binding, John. Why not simply change

Dim oBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet


Dim oBook As Object
Dim oSheet As Object

and use it without a reference?

Ok, I'll admit it: I haven't tested. I can't guarantee that Set oBook =
GetObject("C:\Folder\File.xls") will work. If it doesn't, though, it's
simple to add another

Dim xlApp As Object

and use

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(strFile)

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