Dear All,
This maybe a very simple question but I have created a calender in excel
using active X I was wondering how I would go about colouring in for example
every Wednesday of that month so they stand out I have looked in all the
properties and I haven't found a way
Kind regards Joel
Hello Joel,
If you are referring to a MonthView control, you can bold the days you
want. Since this control has a window handle, it might be possible to
use the API to color the selected dates, but I not sure it would be
worth the effort to make the dates stand out.
Here are the code routines to bold the Wednesdays month by month. The
MonthView is on a UserForm.
Sub BoldWednesdays()
Dim D As Variant
Dim FirstDay As Long
Dim LastDay As Long
Dim M As Long, y As Long
With MonthView1
y = .Year
M = .Month
End With
FirstDay = DateSerial(y, M, 1)
LastDay = DateSerial(y, M + 1, 1) - 1
For D = FirstDay To LastDay
If Weekday(D, vbSunday) = 4 Then
MonthView1.DayBold(D) = True
End If
Next D
End Sub
Private Sub MonthView1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift
As Integer, ByVal x As stdole.OLE_XPOS_PIXELS, ByVal y As
Dim Ret
Ret = MonthView1.HitTest(x, y, MonthView1.Value)
Select Case Ret
Case Is = 8, 9
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
End Sub