Active-x- control has a bug, help.




A while back I have requested, where I can get an Active-
x control for rich-text-formatting. I was told to go
to "" and I did. I have
downloaded a control called "RTF2 Control". The only
problem is that the control, when put in a report doesn't
grow. Therefore, only the text that fits in the current
controls hieght gets printed.

Is there anyone that can help me with this problem.


Stephen Lebans

I really do not appreciate you posting publicly that my Free control has
a bug when it clearly does not. If you simply bothered to have a look at
the sample Form's and Reports you would see that you have to place a few
lines of code behind your report/forms in order to simulate
Perhaps you would be better off with the FMS control here:
The FMS control requires code to simulate CanGrow as well but perhaps
their tech support can walk you through the process. It's only $299 US.


No free code for him!!

TC :)

Stephen Lebans said:
I really do not appreciate you posting publicly that my Free control has
a bug when it clearly does not. If you simply bothered to have a look at
the sample Form's and Reports you would see that you have to place a few
lines of code behind your report/forms in order to simulate
Perhaps you would be better off with the FMS control here:
The FMS control requires code to simulate CanGrow as well but perhaps
their tech support can walk you through the process. It's only $299 US.

Stephen Lebans
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