ActiveSheet woes



Ok I have a previous version of a file saved in Excel 2000 for xp German.

Now i have installed a German windows XP with Excel 2003 in English.

So i thought i better translate some things (although most things ar
naming so it shouldn't be a problem:
For example This:

Sub DruckbereichAuswählen()
End Sub

To this:

Sub DruckbereichAuswählen()
End Sub

But it still refuses to work, Citng the error....
Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed

so i'm assuming there is some naming problem. All the other macros,
such as

Sub BlattschutzAufheben()
Cells(1, 6) = "Zellen NICHT geschützt"
End Sub

..give me errors Method 'Unprotect' of 'object _Worksheet' failed.

is the _worksheet or _Global things a dead giveaway for something

Frank Kabel

for the first macro you also have to define a name (Insert - Define -
Name) called 'Print_area'. If you don't do this Excel will not knwo
which range to select

The second macro should do

Bob Phillips


I think Print_Area is an automatic name when you select part of a sheet to
print. Excel creates it.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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