ActiveSync Tasks with Outlook 2007



Prior to installing Office 2007 Beta I was able to sync task including the

After the upgrade ActiveSync works fine except that the notes appear to be
lost. Notes on the desktop are not transmitted with the task headings to the
PDA. However, tasks created on the PDA with notes are transmitted in full.

Interestingly, when I modify the PDA generated task on the desktop and
re-sync, the PDA version of the original task no longer has the note (looks
like the desktop overwrites it).

Is there a way round this. My tasks have most of the information in the
notes and are useless without them. Perhaps I need to revert to Outlook 2003.

Anyone else had this issue and resolved it??

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

My Activesynch with Outlook 2007/T-Mobile Dash WM 5/Axim X50 WM all synch fine. What settings do you show for the directional synching? Have you tried a soft reset?

For additional assistance, please post to microsoft.public.pocketpc.activesync - this is really not an Outlook issue but an issue with your PDA and synching software.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Phil asked:

| Prior to installing Office 2007 Beta I was able to sync task
| including the notes.
| After the upgrade ActiveSync works fine except that the notes appear
| to be lost. Notes on the desktop are not transmitted with the task
| headings to the PDA. However, tasks created on the PDA with notes are
| transmitted in full.
| Interestingly, when I modify the PDA generated task on the desktop and
| re-sync, the PDA version of the original task no longer has the note
| (looks like the desktop overwrites it).
| Is there a way round this. My tasks have most of the information in
| the notes and are useless without them. Perhaps I need to revert to
| Outlook 2003.
| Anyone else had this issue and resolved it??

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Isn't 4.5 still in beta? I haven't checked lately but good luck in the activesync group.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Phil asked:

| Thanks - I will try a reset - I have since discovered that some of
| the notes are in fact synchronised, but not most also that the notes
| attached to contacts are mostly there, but not all. I've tried to
| figure out if it's the font used or something similar, but no luck so
| far. It's just inconsistent.
| I'm using ActiveSync 4.5 with a Mitac MIO P350 where everything else
| seems to work fine.
| Thanks for the suggestion.


I have discovered the solution and it's simple. I spotted a new release of
Office 2007 Beta Technical refresh and once installed everything works
perfectly, so the problem was indeed Outlook.

So if anyone else has this issue, get the latest version of Office 2007 beta.

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Or get the RTM/final build as trial version from

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

Tom Lake

Phil said:
I have discovered the solution and it's simple. I spotted a new release of
Office 2007 Beta Technical refresh and once installed everything works
perfectly, so the problem was indeed Outlook.

So if anyone else has this issue, get the latest version of Office 2007 beta.

Why not get the 2007 RTM?

Tom Lake

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

While I am synching just fine with Outlook 2007. Have you done a reinstallation of Activesync? Have you tried a soft reset of your device?

If Outlook is working, sending and receiving emails, posting calendar items, bringing up contacts, etc. then Outlook is working as designed. If you are unable to sync with Outlook, Outlook has no inbuilt method for synching. Your device's software (Chapura, Activesync, whatever) is responsible for this action. If Outlook had this ability, you would not need your synching software.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Tony Jolley asked:

| I am also unable to sync Outlook 2007 with my smartphone.
| This does seem to be an Outlook 2007 problem since several people
| (myself included) were syncing just fine before installing Outlook
| 2007.
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| My Activesynch with Outlook 2007/T-Mobile Dash WM 5/Axim X50 WM all
|| synch fine. What settings do you show for the directional synching?
|| Have you tried a soft reset?
|| For additional assistance, please post to
|| microsoft.public.pocketpc.activesync - this is really not an Outlook
|| issue but an issue with your PDA and synching software.
|| --Â
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Phil asked:
||| Prior to installing Office 2007 Beta I was able to sync task
||| including the notes.
||| After the upgrade ActiveSync works fine except that the notes appear
||| to be lost. Notes on the desktop are not transmitted with the task
||| headings to the PDA. However, tasks created on the PDA with notes
||| are transmitted in full.
||| Interestingly, when I modify the PDA generated task on the desktop
||| and re-sync, the PDA version of the original task no longer has the
||| note (looks like the desktop overwrites it).
||| Is there a way round this. My tasks have most of the information in
||| the notes and are useless without them. Perhaps I need to revert to
||| Outlook 2003.
||| Anyone else had this issue and resolved it??

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