ActiveX component can't create object or return reference to thisobject (Error 429)


R Tanner


I'm trying to create a file system object so I can cycle through a
folder and quickly append 30 different text files into one. This is
the short macro I have. When I try to run it, it tells me the

ActiveX component can't create object or return reference to this
object (Error 429)

Sub Gather()
Dim ObjFso As New FileSystemObject
Dim ObjectFolder As Object
Dim ColFiles As Object
Dim ObjFile As Object
Dim T As Integer
Dim MyFile As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Filenum1 As Integer

FileNum = FreeFile
Filenum1 = FreeFile

MyFile = "Q:\DropBox\csv Files\Appended Data.TXT"

Set ObjFso = CreateObject("Sripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objfolder = ObjFso.getfolder("Q:\DropBox\csv Files")
Set ColFiles = objfolder.Files

Open MyFile For Append As #FileNum

For Each ObjFile In ColFiles
Open ObjFile For Input As #Filenum1
Do Until EOF(Filenum1)
Line Input #Filenum1, Data
Print #FileNum, Data
Close #Filenum1

End Sub

I have run this same type of procedure before. I can't figure out why
it's giving me this error now. Any help would be appreciated.

Richard Schollar


You have a spelling mistake in the string you are passing to CreateObject:

Set ObjFso = CreateObject("Sripting.FileSystemObject")

should be "SCripting.FileSystemObject" ;-)


Richard Schollar

Incidentally you can probably achieve the same much faster with the DOS
command COPY - you can execute this thru VBA using the Shell command:

Shell Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /c COPY Q:\DropBox\csv Files\*.*
Q:\DropBox\csv Files\AppendedData.TXT"


R Tanner

Incidentally you can probably achieve the same much faster with the DOS
command COPY - you can execute this thru VBA using the Shell command:

Shell Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /c COPY Q:\DropBox\csv Files\*.*
Q:\DropBox\csv Files\AppendedData.TXT"


- Show quoted text -

oh wow. You know what is so bad about that is I retyped it in there -
the wrong way. lol

I have no idea how the shell command works through vba. It looks like
you don't have to do a loop or anything? I have never seen that
before. It's pretty cool. I can do that with any shell commands eh?
How cool...You just gave me something to keep me occupied for the next

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