ActiveX controls



I want to learn how to use activeX controls to create a web doc with Word. I
am not a programmer nor do I want to go into visual basic. Would any of you
know of a good site/book/cd which would have crytal clear explanations as to
how use existing activeX controls with maybe some exercises? Free would be
ideal for me
:). I have WORD 2000
Many thanks in advance

Jonathan West

Hi Pascale,

I'm sorry to have to appear so blunt, but you sound like someone who wants
to become a concert pianist but can't be bothered with the necessity of
doing any practice.

Dealing with ActiveX control means learning how to program. Learning how to
automate Word to do things also involves programming. You are going either
to have to learn some programming, probably in visual basic or VBA, or
forget about this whole thing.

If you decide you are willing to dip your toe into the programming waters,
then by all means post again, perhaps with a more detailed description of
what you are trying to achieve.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition


HI Jonathan
I know you are right but...
What I would like to achieve is to be able to post on a website a form or
sheet from Word or Excel that people would fill in and on pressing a "submit"
button which the data would automatically be sent to me or (even better if
pos) entered automatically in an existing document which would collect all
the answers.
What would you recommend: visual basic,VBA or something else?
Many thanks

Jonathan West

Pascale said:
HI Jonathan
I know you are right but...
What I would like to achieve is to be able to post on a website a form or
sheet from Word or Excel that people would fill in and on pressing a
button which the data would automatically be sent to me or (even better if
pos) entered automatically in an existing document which would collect all
the answers.
What would you recommend: visual basic,VBA or something else?

I would recommend something else. If you have a form you want to display on
a website, you need to learn some basic HTML, either directly or using an
HTML editor that creates webpages in the way that Word creates letters. The
Microsoft product for this is FrontPage, but there are plenty of
alternatives about.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition


Thank you for this, I might give it a try.
In that case, when do you ever use the web tool toolbar and for what please?
As it is a toolbar I have never used, I wanted to find out what it is for
and how to use it (examples). Can you please enlight me? Many thanks Kind
regards Pascale

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