ActiveX error message



Hi All,
I have a user who's having issue with his outlook e-mail. Everytime he opens
up his outlook e-mail an ActveX error message pups up "An activeX control on
this page might be unsage to interract with other parts of the page.Do you
want to allow this interraction? you have the options Yes and NO. We've done
everything, the error message still puping up. I am wondering if you have
seen this or there is a way to prevent it from puping up.



thanks your response. I've already tried that and it did not work. I was
hopping that i could find a different solution other than the one that i've


Roady [MVP]

You haven't stated what you tried yet so it hard to suggest "something

You're not very clear about the issue you are trying to troubleshoot.
When exactly is the users getting this message?
-When opening a received message?
-When composing a message?
-When starting Outlook?
-Which version of Outlook are we talking about here anyway?

You really shouldn't do anything ActiveX related when it comes to emailing.



The user gets the error message when opening his e-mail from outlook
as you suggested, I have changed the ActiveX settings in Internet
Explorer. also under Internet option / security/ custom level on IE, active x
is disabled. i have also reset it but that does not solve the problem

Roady [MVP]

When opening a received message?
Then the ActiveX component is sent by the sender of the message.
Change the ActiveX settings back to default on the receiver's machine; it is
not where the solution is. Emails shouldn't have ActiveX components to begin

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