ActiveX Option Boxes



I have a worksheet where I want the users to be able to choose from several
options. If they choose a certain option, I want to reveal a second set of
option boxes. I put in the first set (call them A,B,C&D) and the second set
(1,2&3). I grouped and named each set and then put in VBA code so that when
D is changed, the visible value of the second group is the same as D.
However, when the user goes to pick 1,2 or 3, Excel doesn't recognize that
these are a separate set of options, so by picking 1 for example, option D
then gets unclicked and 2 & 3 disappear.

I know that on a user form you can put the controls into a group box, but I
wanted to put these directly on an Excel sheet and be able to write code for
them. I can't find anything in the help and I tried searching online. Any
help would be appreciated.


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