Byron Snow
Is there a way to restrict the number of actual hours entered by users to not
exceed the current defined Work hours? I am noticing that if a user submits
more than work, work increases accordingly. The approver then rejects the
hours and has them editted to the acceptable amount. However, the new
increased work is not reduced and is accepted on the next approval.
Is there a better recommended way to enforce target values? We are also
tryng to use this as a base for billing purposes so it is important in many
cases to not exceed certain values.
exceed the current defined Work hours? I am noticing that if a user submits
more than work, work increases accordingly. The approver then rejects the
hours and has them editted to the acceptable amount. However, the new
increased work is not reduced and is accepted on the next approval.
Is there a better recommended way to enforce target values? We are also
tryng to use this as a base for billing purposes so it is important in many
cases to not exceed certain values.