Actual Hours entered online


Byron Snow

Is there a way to restrict the number of actual hours entered by users to not
exceed the current defined Work hours? I am noticing that if a user submits
more than work, work increases accordingly. The approver then rejects the
hours and has them editted to the acceptable amount. However, the new
increased work is not reduced and is accepted on the next approval.

Is there a better recommended way to enforce target values? We are also
tryng to use this as a base for billing purposes so it is important in many
cases to not exceed certain values.

John Sitka

If upon rejection the resource edits actual work to
what is the lie THEN reduces remaining work to 0
I think you get what you want.

I would really like to know how to get a valuable schedule
with those two conflicting requirements.
Please post what you come up with if you figure something out.
It seems to me you are saying.
"I dismiss your reality and substitute my own"

Dale Howard [MVP]

Byron --

I think I understand what is going on in your situation. It sounds to me
like team members are limited to entering no more than 8 hours per day of
Actual Work on a task, for example, because you are only allowed to bill
your client for 8 hours of work per day. I consulted once with a client who
has these exact requirements. Therefore, if a team member actually performs
12 hours of Actual Work on a task, he/she must only enter 8 hours in the PWA
timesheet for that day's work. If this is your situation, or close to your
situation, then you are basically facing a training and performance issue.
Team members need to be taught how to enter actuals according to your
company's requirements, and then you must hold them accountable for this

In the specific situation you cite, it sounds like a team member was
assigned to work 40 hours on a task, for example. The team member actually
worked 48 hours on the task and entered 48 hours of Actual Work, then
submitted the update to his/her PM. The PM rejected the actuals and the
team member changed his/her Actual Work to 40 hours. Because of how this
was done, PWA now calculates that there are 8 hours of Remaining Work left
on that task. The team member simply needs to set the Remaining Work to 0
hours and then resubmit the update to the PM. Hope this helps.

Byron Snow

I had thought about that. I also just tested it and what you said will work.
However, I wanted to operate with users just entering Actuals and not
modifying Remaining Work.

There is only one timesheet view, correct? There is no way to give a
different version to certain people, or possibly give resource / project
managers the ability to update remaining work outside of the timesheet?
Timesheet does not appear to be a view type that can be created.


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