Actual Hours Updated from MS Excel or MS Access


Dennis D

I can export actual hours to Excel or Access from a product called Project
InVision. I would like to find some way to import the actual hours from
Excel or Access into MS Project 2007. I'd prefer Excel over Access to
complete this action, but either would do.



Hello Denis,

To import data into a project file, you'll open the project file and
then open the excel file through File > Open. The import wizard will
begin and you'll need to map the data from the Excel file back to the
specific fields in Project.

The process can be automated through VBA. Fellow MVP, Rod Gill has an
excellent book on using VBA with MS Project, including a section on
working with import and export. For details on Rod's books see:

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

Dennis D

Thanks very much Julie!

I appreciate the automated VBA Tip and did order Rod's book. Once again,
exactly what I needed. I'll let you know how I make out.



You're most welcome Dennis and thanks for the feedback. If you have
some follow up questions to automating importing data through VBA,
feel free to post your questions to the Project Developer newsgroup
(microsoft.public.project.developer). A number of VBA/Project Gurus
(including Rod) hang out there too!

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

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