Actual work and start times


deb harvey

Can anyone help a v raw project beginner to record actual
work times and actual start dates of a project where
resources are doing 1 -6hrs work a day on one or more
tasks. Everytime i do it, the duration changes or the
start date or it tells me that i still have work to
do..Arrg i am in a real muddle. My trainer had only used
98 and the complexities of 2003 really stumped even him
so it wasn't adequate level of training which didn't help.

All help much appreciated

Jan De Messemaeker


As for recording Actuel Work and times, there is no difference whatsoever
between 98 and 2003.
So far for the good news.

Yes, Project has a certain logic when introducing actual data, but it is not
too difficult to understand.

Are you aware of the possibility to enter data such as Actual Start, Actual
Duration, Actual Woirk but before all Remaining Work?

If you submit one or two difficult cases here I'll be glad to explain.
Bu all means, my first advice is never to use %compelte as an input, let
Project calculate that (except for 0% and 100%)

Hear from you soon?


and Deb, if i was you i'ld get back to the company where you were trained
and COMPLAIN ... especially if you paid for the training - the differences
b/n 98 & 2003 are largely cosmetic (in a stand-alone environment) and should
not have "stumped" your trainer.

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