Actual Work Fills in When Work is entered

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Has anyone seen the behavior when I fill in Work that Actual Work populates
too as soon as i tab off the work cell.
I'm performing these tasks in Task Usage and update/edit the Work cells.

I thought perhaps that constaints on the task might doing this....i removed
all constraints so that it finishes as soon as possible.
the task type is fixed units, effort driven.

What i found out is if i delete the sucessors and predcessors from the task,
that it stopped filling in Actual Work if I key in/enter Work.

Is this suppose to work this way?
If not, how can I get it to stop filling in Actual Work, when i update Work
and yet still have predecessors and successors identified?


Jim P

Entering hours within the date range of a Fixed Duration task that is
marked as 100% complete will result in the entry of Actual Work when
you enter a value for Work. The actual work also reflects the Work
entered when the %complete for the Fixed Duration task includes the
dates are that are complete. If you have a task that is 6 days duration
that is 50% done then any value entered in Work on the first three days
of the task is reflected in Actual Work. Since the % was based on
duration, Project assumes the Actual Work matches the Work.

So the question is, is the task a Fixed Duration and was there some
%Complete entered also?

Jim P.

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