Actual Work



Hello Everyone,

I'm new to Project and I'm using Project 2003 Pro.

I have a problem that I don't know how to solve. I have task that is shared
by two resources at 50%. But in reality it could be that resource 1 works 5
hours a specific day and resource 2 works just 3 hours that same day instead
of both working 4 hours each. The fifth hour that day for resource 1 is not
overtime since he works 8 hours a day, but is just assigned for 50% at the
task due to other work assignments (not in Project). How do I record this
actual work in the resource usage view?

When I try to put in an extra hour for resource 1 it get shifted to next day
instead and that's not what I want at all.

Any suggestions, anyone?


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Holmin,

When you want to record actual work, do so in the actual work fields :))
In Resource usage, right-click in the yellow part, check "Actual Work"
Record actual work on these lines, Project will NOT reschedule actual work.

Steve House [MVP]

As I read it, your resources aren't sharing the task 50/50. Your total work
for the task is 8 man-hours. Resource 1 works an 8 hour day all total and
spends 5 hours on this task, accounting for 5 man-hours of the total work.
That's 5/8 of his total workday, equivalent to an assignment of about 63%.
Resource 2 is putting in 3/8 of his day, or about 37%. This then becomes
your assignment percentages and in the resource usage view, 5 and 3 hours
respectively for the scheduled work. Now display the Actual Work row in the
usage view and enter the actual time they've spent. If the task is done and
there is remaining budgeted work left, it went faster than planned and zero
out the balance. If it's not done, enter the estimated remaining work
proportioned between them.


Thanks both Jan and Steve for your replies. They were very informative and
helpful. I think I got the hang of it now.


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