Actuals in PWA vs Actuals in ProjectPro



We are running MSProject2002 Professional SP1 with Project Server 2002
SP1 installed and we are reporting actuals in the following way:
1) we are working from the TaskUsage page
2) we are setting the timescale to Quarter/Month
3) we are inputing actuals on a monthly basis directly on the
ActualWork cell in the timephased view
4) as an example I input 15,5 hours for march 2005
5) In order to push actuals to Project Web Access, I select Collaborate
- Publish - Republish Assignments and I flag the "Overwrite actual
work..." option
6) Now I connect to PWA and check my task page still viewing the month
of march 2005 and "entire period", but the amount of hours that I view
is 15,33 and not 15,5 as displayed in Project Pro

Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there is a hotfix or
workaround for this issue?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Claudia --

Since you are using Project Server 2002, you must also click Collaborate -
Publish - All Information. Hope this helps.


Dale, unfortunately I tried but nothing changes, we actually found a KB
article (871254 with hotfix 871263) about this problem but the hotfix is not

Can anyone help?

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