AD sync spanning multiple domains issue


Mike Hennessy

We are trying to sync an AD group which contains users from 3
different domains. We are able to sync all the users that belong to
the same domain as the server; however, the users who belong to the
other 2 domains won't.

Has anyone encountered this issue? Any help would be greatly

Extra Info: There is a trust relationship between the domains. Also,
we can manually add the user entering their domain and username.
(note: if the user does not exists for the domain entered, project
server will display an error message and not allow you to save the
user…which is what I expect and this leads me to believe that we are
hooked into all the domains)

Mike Hennessy

After opening a support incident with Microsoft, it was discovered
that Project Server 2003 does not support sync'ing with multiple
domains even if they are trusted.

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