Adapting Pc word template to mac



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Hi all

I am trying to adapt a Pc word template for my mother. Its for formatting recipe text from Bigoven. I emailed the author and he said the menu buttons had VB functions for each action.

When installed on the mac, the buttons don't do anything :( I can probably get details on what they are supposed to do so how would I do the equivalent in Mac?

I have a PC but I can use a Macbook for testing. My mother has a new Mac :)

Peter Jamieson

Unfortunately, Mac Word 2008 has /no support for VBA/. We are told that
VBA will be back in the next version.

So your options are probably
a. in the unlikely event that both Macs also have a VBA-enabled
version of Word, e.g. 2004, use that instead
b. for any VB functions that do nothing more than apply a particular
paragraph style, e.g. to the selection, you can use View->Customize
Toolbars and Menus to add menu buttons that will apply those styles.
(click on the Commands tab, then in the left hand box, look for
"Styles". A list of styles is displayed in the right-hand box and you
can drag these styles to a toolbar.
c. do something using AppleScript. If you know the language already or
enjoy exploring such stuff, you could always try. Personally, I would
avoid doing that if I possibly could, primarily because
- Getting up-to-speed with Applescript is quite time-consuming
- Applescripts have to be initiated from outside Word - I don't know
how to connect them to toolbars etc. or even if it is possible
- it would cost me so much time I might as well buy a copy of Word
2004, or even a copy of VMWare fusion running a Win VM and a suitable
version of Windows Word.

Peter Jamieson


Office 2008 does not have support for VBA, so the macros will not run.

Although it may be possible to replicate them using Apple Script there is no
guarantee of that. It would probably be easier to obtain a copy of Office
2004 which can be installed without having to remove Office 2008. Even at
that, the VBA may have to be revised somewhat depending on what the specific
code is & what version of VBA was used to create the macros.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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