I think i need to set the column properties via. "adColNullable" below
is code i'm using to create a temporary table that is eventually deleted by
the "deactivate" event of a report. Anyway i need to plug some data in and
some of the entries will be "Null" however i found out that when a table is
created in this fashion it is not really 100% ready to use and I need to set
more properties that I don't know how to set. I want the temporary table
there because I can delete it via. code so my database will stay trim. Also
is there a way to make this code also add in the data using maybe the
rst.AddNew comand.
S un d m an
moc.1dtc @ namdnus. ekim
backwords and added spaces.
Sub codNewTabletblTemporaryMemoDataForSingleReport()
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim tbl As New ADOX.Table
Dim idx As ADOX.Index
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
cat.ActiveConnection = cnn
Set tbl = New ADOX.Table
With tbl
tbl.Name = "tblTemporaryMemoDataForSingleReport"
With .Columns
.Append "strEmpIDNum", adWChar, 3
.Append "strOriginatingDataBase", adWChar, 20
.Append "strPersonCommunicatedWith", adWChar, 50
.Append "strUserNetworkName", adWChar, 20
.Append "strCustomerOrVendor", adWChar, 50
.Append "strShopOrder", adWChar, 4
.Append "strSubject", adWChar, 50
.Append "memCommunicationsMemo", adLongVarWChar
.Append "dtmDate", adDate
.Append "dtmTime", adDate
.Append "dtmTimeMemoStarted", adDate
.Append "bolPending", adBoolean
End With
End With
cat.Tables.Append tbl
Set cat = Nothing
'Jumps to code that inserts the data in the new table.
End Sub
I think i need to set the column properties via. "adColNullable" below
is code i'm using to create a temporary table that is eventually deleted by
the "deactivate" event of a report. Anyway i need to plug some data in and
some of the entries will be "Null" however i found out that when a table is
created in this fashion it is not really 100% ready to use and I need to set
more properties that I don't know how to set. I want the temporary table
there because I can delete it via. code so my database will stay trim. Also
is there a way to make this code also add in the data using maybe the
rst.AddNew comand.
S un d m an
moc.1dtc @ namdnus. ekim
backwords and added spaces.
Sub codNewTabletblTemporaryMemoDataForSingleReport()
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim tbl As New ADOX.Table
Dim idx As ADOX.Index
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
cat.ActiveConnection = cnn
Set tbl = New ADOX.Table
With tbl
tbl.Name = "tblTemporaryMemoDataForSingleReport"
With .Columns
.Append "strEmpIDNum", adWChar, 3
.Append "strOriginatingDataBase", adWChar, 20
.Append "strPersonCommunicatedWith", adWChar, 50
.Append "strUserNetworkName", adWChar, 20
.Append "strCustomerOrVendor", adWChar, 50
.Append "strShopOrder", adWChar, 4
.Append "strSubject", adWChar, 50
.Append "memCommunicationsMemo", adLongVarWChar
.Append "dtmDate", adDate
.Append "dtmTime", adDate
.Append "dtmTimeMemoStarted", adDate
.Append "bolPending", adBoolean
End With
End With
cat.Tables.Append tbl
Set cat = Nothing
'Jumps to code that inserts the data in the new table.
End Sub