Add 2 Conditions together


Bob Vance

Can these 2 conditions be added together?

Me!cmdSendMailButtonCI.Visible = Forms!frmMain!ckbShow2ndCompany
Me.SendMailButtonCI.Visible =
IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.cbOwnerName.Column(0), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)

Bob Quintal

Can these 2 conditions be added together?

Me!cmdSendMailButtonCI.Visible = Forms!frmMain!ckbShow2ndCompany
Me.SendMailButtonCI.Visible =
IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.cbOwnerName.Column(0), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)

Me!cmdSendMailButtonCI.Visible = _
(Forms!frmMain!ckbShow2ndCompany = true) AND _
IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.cbOwnerName.Column(0), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)

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