Add a default form for start-up



I am writing the code to break an employee database down into 70 separate
databases (one for each manager containing their employees only). This is
going just fine. What I need to know is how do I set the start-up options in
a database that is different from the one I am currently working in. Thanks
in advance.

Richard Hollenbeck


Are you actually splitting the database into 70 separate databases to be
maintained separately or does each manager daily query the main database to
work on a subset of the data? It seems to me a lot of extra work to
maintain 70 databases rather than just having each manager do a daily query
of the main database to get a copy of each manager's data, then the managers
can do daily updates of the main table at the end of each session. Am I
reading your question wrong? I would think the daily query would depend on
which manager is logged-in regardless of the particular machine the manager
happens to be using. But I'm not a network guy so I'd better shut-up. I'm
interested to read whatever answers you get to your very interesting

Rich Hollenbeck


The main database has very sensitive material in it. Each manager is only
allowed to see the data pertaining to their department. The individual
databases are changed/updated and returned where I then bring the new/changed
data back into the main database. Does anyone have an answer for my original


It seems to me the startup options would be the same for each database. The
only difference being which BE is connected. I maintain 7 timeticket
databases, each identical in the FE version. The difference being which BE
they are connected too.

But I agree with the previous reply. It seems with a little security
enforced, you could easily limit access to the sensitive data, as I had to
do with my time ticket database.

Make the sensitive data not readable by anyone except the db Administrator.
Use queries to access the data with owner access via the forms.



Guys, I work for a Fortune 50 company. They want an absolute fool proof way
of no one getting to someone elses data based on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This
is a directive of the CEO as well as the Big 5 Accounting company that audits
them. The ONLY way to accomplish this is through separate and distinct
databases. I would certainly appreciate someone answering my original
question. Thanks in advance.

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