Did you check out the thread I mentioned? Allen Browne describes how to use
an unbound ComboBox in you form header as a means of record navigation. You
select an entry from the drop-down list and have Access take you to that
record. More info at
I use a Command Button (with the binoculars on it) to open a dialog form
containing a ListBox that lists all the firms in alphabetical order. The
user picks one either by double-click or by highlighting and clicking "OK"
and the record is found and displayed on the main form. My event procedure
code is:
Option Compare Database 'Use database order for string comparisons.
Option Explicit 'Requires variables be declared before use.
Private Sub cmdOkFindFirm_Click()
' Find record for main form based on selection in dialog form.
On Error GoTo Err_OkFindFirm
' Check to see if no selection was made.
If IsNull(Me!lstFirm) Then
MsgBox "Make a selection or click Cancel", , "No Selection"
GoTo Exit_OkFindFirm
End If
' Store the selection in a string variable.
Dim strSelect As String
strSelect = Me!lstFirm
' Close the dialog form to switch back to the main form.
' Move the cursor back to the search field.
' SendKeys "+{TAB}" doesn't work, although I see no reason why it shouldn't.
DoCmd.GoToControl "txbFirmName"
' Find the selected record.
DoCmd.FindRecord strSelect
' Move the cursor back to the search button.
DoCmd.GoToControl "cmdSearchFirm"
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error #: " & Err & Chr(13) & Err.Description
Resume Exit_OkFindFirm
End Sub
Your determination is commendable.