Add a line



I have a voucher I created in an excel spreadsheet (not a form or
anything but on the worksheet itself). I need to be able to have the
users click on a command button to add a new line. I tried doing it
myself but I need the line added in the middle of the document using
the same format as the line above. However, when I did it, it would
delete the line underneath. How do I have it insert a line in the
middle? And is it possible to have them insert more than one line?


To insert a new line under line 7 with the same formatting as line 7, use
this code

Rows("8:8").Insert Shift:=xlDown

To insert 3 lines, you could do it like this

Rows("8:10").Insert Shift:=xlDown

or you might want to try something like this

For x = 1 to 3
Rows("8:8").Insert Shift:=xlDown
Next x

replacing the 3 with however many lines you want to add.



Thanks it worked great! Only thing it didn't do is copy the merged
cells. Is that even possible? Thanks!


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