add a pop up?


D. Hudson

Is there a way to add a pop up window with a message when someone visits my
This pop up would need to open if someone has one of my pages saved as a
favorite on their computer, rather than being opened by clicking a link on
one of my pages. I run Windows XP and Office '02 XP.


Automatic pop-up windows are blocked by most modern browsers and pop-up
blockers, so any pop-up will need a link to open it.

However, you could use the technique demonstrated at but this will
display the pop-up whenever the page is opened - not just for users
opening the page from their favourites. It can be adapted
( to open for
any user opening the page outside a frameset (a previous post indicates
you use frames).


Before you add popups you should ask yourself why do I need a popup? What
value am I adding to people visiting my site with this popup?

Trevor Lawrence

Ronx said:
Automatic pop-up windows are blocked by most modern browsers and pop-up
blockers, so any pop-up will need a link to open it.

However, you could use the technique demonstrated at but this will display
the pop-up whenever the page is opened - not just for users opening the
page from their favourites. It can be adapted
( to open for any
user opening the page outside a frameset (a previous post indicates you
use frames).

And there is spawnJimcoPopup from

Search for "Spawn".

Jim states on this page:
Easily create and edit pop-up windows. Pop-up windows created with Spawn
will work with most pop-up blockers including the one that comes with
Windows XP SP2.


Jim also states that Spawn will not work from an on-load event. Spawn
defeats the pop-up blockers by loading the page conventionally (I don't
recall if it uses a new window - as opposed to pop-up window - or not)
if the pop-up is blocked.

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

md Webs Unlimited


AFAIK, there is no way to determine if the link referencing your site is
coming from the browsers bookmarks (favorites) or a normal link. The best
you can hope to do is determine if the user visited your site at some time
in the past by using a cookie on the clients machine.

So to accomplish you'll need to tie the display of the popup to the
existence of a cookie using JavaScript. If you don't know how to accomplish
that, you may wish to take a look at my J-Bots components which will allow
you to set cookies and to display a defined pop up window if a cookies is

Mike - FrontPage MVP '97 - '02
Expression Tools & Addin
FrontPage Tools & Addin

D. Hudson

WoW! Thanks everybody!!!

md Webs Unlimited said:

AFAIK, there is no way to determine if the link referencing your site is
coming from the browsers bookmarks (favorites) or a normal link. The best
you can hope to do is determine if the user visited your site at some time
in the past by using a cookie on the clients machine.

So to accomplish you'll need to tie the display of the popup to the
existence of a cookie using JavaScript. If you don't know how to
accomplish that, you may wish to take a look at my J-Bots components which
will allow you to set cookies and to display a defined pop up window if a
cookies is present.

Mike - FrontPage MVP '97 - '02
Expression Tools & Addin
FrontPage Tools & Addin

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