Add a .PST file to my Folder List



I recently reinstalled Windows and Office.

A Personal File Folder file is in my backup, and I am trying to transfer it
to the Outlook Folder List, without success. Outlook does not recognize the
file, and cannot open the folder (even though it lists the folder).

Can anyone tell me how to do it?

Incidentally, when I look at the folder-file properties, it does not list it
as a .PST file, but only as an Office Data File.


Thanks DL. I actually found the solution. Just for the record: after moving
the .PST file from the backup directory to its permanent location, I just
selected File, Open, Personal Folders File, then selected the desired .PST
file. It didn't work before because I used Tools, Services, Add, Addtional
information services box, Personal folders, and tried to add a folder. It is
the difference between OPENin a folder and ADDin a folder to a user profile
(whatever that means!).

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