Hi all,
In an application I try to attache a file to a mail that i create with
mailenvelope. The code looks like this:
With WApp.ActiveDocument.MailEnvelope.Item
.To = Me!FldContPersEMail
.CC = Me!LijstCC
.Attachments = Me!LijstAtt
.Subject = rcdCor!FldCorresOnderw
End With
All works well but the attachement. I get an error that says (exact
translation from Dutch, I don't have an English version of Office!):
Can't complete this action on this type of attachement
The error is not displayed in an error window but in the "Locals window"
when I look in:
Wapp->Activedocument->Mailenvelope->Item->Attachements->Item 1
The error is behind the filename.
So a new item is made for the attachement but behind filename it displays
this error.
What do I do wrong??
regards Joop
In an application I try to attache a file to a mail that i create with
mailenvelope. The code looks like this:
With WApp.ActiveDocument.MailEnvelope.Item
.To = Me!FldContPersEMail
.CC = Me!LijstCC
.Attachments = Me!LijstAtt
.Subject = rcdCor!FldCorresOnderw
End With
All works well but the attachement. I get an error that says (exact
translation from Dutch, I don't have an English version of Office!):
Can't complete this action on this type of attachement
The error is not displayed in an error window but in the "Locals window"
when I look in:
Wapp->Activedocument->Mailenvelope->Item->Attachements->Item 1
The error is behind the filename.
So a new item is made for the attachement but behind filename it displays
this error.
What do I do wrong??
regards Joop