add another text box



on sheet1 i have commandbotton1
i want to click commandbutton1 and have the macro add a
text box. if text box1's Top property = 20 i want text
box2's Top property to be 40 and textbox3's to be 40 and
so on. i am trying to work with a loop, but cant quite
figure it out, Thanks...spence.

Doug Glancy


This is what I came up with:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim ctl As Control
Dim txtbox_top As Integer, txtbox_left As Integer, _
txtbox_height As Integer, txtbox_width As Integer, _
txtbox_count As Integer

txtbox_top = 0
txtbox_left = 10 ' something to start with
txtbox_height = 10
txtbox_width = 20
txtbox_count = 0

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctl) = "TextBox" Then
If ctl.Top > txtbox_top Then
With ctl
txtbox_top = .Top
txtbox_left = .Left
txtbox_height = .Height
txtbox_width = .Width
End With
End If
txtbox_count = txtbox_count + 1
End If
Next ctl

Set ctl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "TextBox" & txtbox_count + 1)
With ctl
.Top = txtbox_top + 20
.Left = txtbox_left
.Height = txtbox_height
.Width = txtbox_width
End With

End Sub




it errored out on:
For Each ctl In Me.Controls

i am actually trying to have it add a text box for every
ite in range A1:A??. if there is something in A2 i want
to add a second text box. thanks for your help...S

Doug Glancy


Sorry, stupid of me. I thought it was a userform, even though clearly not.

The following is a start. I need more info on size and location of the
textboxes. This puts the boxes in column B.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ctl As Shape
Dim txtbox_top As Integer, txtbox_left As Integer, _
txtbox_height As Integer, txtbox_width As Integer, _
txtbox_count As Integer, i As Integer

txtbox_top = 0
txtbox_left = ActiveSheet.Columns(1).Width ' something to start with
txtbox_height = 10
txtbox_width = ActiveSheet.Columns(2).Width
txtbox_count = 0

For Each ctl In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If ctl.Type = 17 Then
If ctl.Top > txtbox_top Then
MsgBox "t"
With ctl
txtbox_top = .Top
txtbox_left = .Left
txtbox_height = .Height
txtbox_width = .Width
End With
End If
txtbox_count = txtbox_count + 1
End If
Next ctl

For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row -
Set ctl = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
txtbox_left, txtbox_top, txtbox_width, txtbox_height)
txtbox_top = txtbox_top + 20
Next i

End Sub

hopefully that's a little better,


Doug Glancy


I left a msgbox line in there that you didn't need. Here it is again
without it:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ctl As Shape
Dim txtbox_top As Integer, txtbox_left As Integer, _
txtbox_height As Integer, txtbox_width As Integer, _
txtbox_count As Integer, i As Integer

txtbox_top = 0
txtbox_left = ActiveSheet.Columns(1).Width
txtbox_height = 10
txtbox_width = ActiveSheet.Columns(2).Width
txtbox_count = 0

For Each ctl In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If ctl.Type = 17 Then
If ctl.Top > txtbox_top Then
With ctl
txtbox_top = .Top
txtbox_left = .Left
txtbox_height = .Height
txtbox_width = .Width
End With
End If
txtbox_count = txtbox_count + 1
End If
Next ctl

For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row -
Set ctl = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
txtbox_left, txtbox_top, txtbox_width, txtbox_height)
txtbox_top = txtbox_top + 20
Next i

End Sub



Doug Glancy


Hoo boy. So, this is how I'm teaching myself programming, ya see...

Anyways, I noticed that the last iteration didn't quite work if there were
already textboxes - it wrote the first new one over the last old one. So,
after this I'm going to wait and see if this is even on the right track for

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ctl As Shape
Dim txtbox_top As Integer, txtbox_left As Integer, _
txtbox_height As Integer, txtbox_width As Integer, _
txtbox_spacing As Integer, txtbox_count As Integer, i As Integer

txtbox_top = 0
txtbox_left = ActiveSheet.Columns(1).Width
txtbox_height = 10
txtbox_width = ActiveSheet.Columns(2).Width
txtbox_spacing = 20
txtbox_count = 0

For Each ctl In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If ctl.Type = 17 Then
If ctl.Top > txtbox_top Then
With ctl
txtbox_top = .Top
txtbox_left = .Left
txtbox_height = .Height
txtbox_width = .Width
End With
End If
txtbox_count = txtbox_count + 1
End If
Next ctl

If txtbox_count > 0 Then
txtbox_top = txtbox_top + txtbox_spacing
End If

For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row -
Set ctl = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
txtbox_left, txtbox_top, txtbox_width, txtbox_height)
txtbox_top = txtbox_top + txtbox_spacing
Next i

End Sub



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