Add custom drop down menu




I would like to have some of the functions in my macro to appear in a separate drop down menu. How would I be able to do this? And how would I add menu items into it and tell which functions to run when a menu item is clicked. I noticed some programs have made these custom menus part of the Word (I'm not sure how they did this). Whenever you open any word document, those macros always appear. So, my question is what can I do to change the Word's Normal template, so that whenever I open up a word document, my custom drop down menu will be there.

Thank you

Word Heretic

G'day "Feng" <[email protected]>,

You add to the existing commandbars. Ideally though these
customizations are NOT kept in Normal, but in a distributed template -
whether global or user is irrelevant.

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at

Feng was spinning this yarn:

Charles Kenyon

As Steve told you, it is not a good idea to make these changes to

I would go one further and recommend that (even if they will eventually be
used in the built-in menus or toolbars) you create any customizations on a
custom toolbar. Putting the following into an AutoExec macro of a global
template will popup your toolbar:

Application.CommandBars("MyToolbar").Visible = True

You can either have it floating or docked.

If you want to put your commands on Word's built-in menus or toolbars, copy
them from your custom toolbar by Ctrl-dragging them with the Customize
dialog open. The reason for advising that you put them in a custom toolbar
first is that you can easily copy custom toolbars to other templates. You
can't copy customizations to the built-in ones.


Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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Feng said:

I would like to have some of the functions in my macro to appear in a
separate drop down menu. How would I be able to do this? And how would I
add menu items into it and tell which functions to run when a menu item is
clicked. I noticed some programs have made these custom menus part of the
Word (I'm not sure how they did this). Whenever you open any word document,
those macros always appear. So, my question is what can I do to change the
Word's Normal template, so that whenever I open up a word document, my
custom drop down menu will be there.

Chip Orange


If you made these changes (to say Words built-in menus) in a template that
was a global template would they always be available? If so, then, wouldn't
you have no need of copying a toolbar from one template to another?

I'm trying to find the best way of adding an additional menu pad, for all of
our users on the network, to Word's built-in menus.



Charles Kenyon

While they should be available in all templates, over the years I've been
working with custom menus I've found many instances where I later wanted to
copy customizations that I had built-in. Sometimes to clean up a template,
sometimes to modularize changes, sometimes to share something I had
developed with someone else, but not the whole thing.

It is really no harder to build them on a custom toolbar and then copy than
it is to put them on the built-in menus to start with.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

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