Add data to comment more than one time


Who I Am

I update a cell every a few days with current date, like 11-1, 11-7,

I want to keep a record of the dates in comment. I am able to create a
new comment or add a record to the existing commend. But how can I keep
add data on top of exsing data in the comment, like


Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel
As Boolean)

Dim PriorValue
Dim Mycell As Range
Dim cmt As Comment

Set Mycell = Target
PriorValue = Target.Text

On Error Resume Next
Set cmt = Mycell.Comment
On Error GoTo 0
If Not cmt Is Nothing Then
Mycell.Comment.Text privorvalue
Mycell.AddComment PriorValue
End If

Target.Cells(1, 2).Activate

End Sub

Eric White

Change as noted:

Set Mycell = Target
PriorValue = Target.Text

On Error Resume Next
Set cmt = Mycell.Comment
On Error GoTo 0
If Not cmt Is Nothing Then
Mycell.Comment.Text (cmt & privorvalue) '<====== Change
Mycell.AddComment PriorValue
End If

You might want to add a Chr(10) or Chr(13) between the previous and new
comment text also.

Who I Am

Thank you for your reply.

However, the code stops at
Mycell.Comment.Text (cmt & privorvalue) '<====== Change

and I saw a run-time error "438"

It appears to that comment only allows me to add data once, not
multiple times.

Can you please help?

Who I Am

OK, now I know what happened. I should have added .text

Mycell.Comment.Text (cmt.text & privorvalue) '<====== Change

Thank you Eric.

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