Add data to sheet, in next available column.


J.W. Aldridge


I am trying to alter the following code to get what I want.

What I want is:
1) Copy all values/data from sheet "errors" and paste on "data_sum"

2)Copy all data from sheet "corrects" and paste on "data_sum" on the
next available row
(where the data from sheet "errors" ended, and column A is empty).

Sub CopyData()
Dim va s Variant, i as Long, sh as worksheet
Dim rng as Range, rng1 as Range
dim sh1 as Worksheet

v =
for i = lbound(v) to ubound(v)
set sh = worksheets(v(i))

set sh1 = Worksheets("shorter")
for i = lbound(v) to ubound(v)

set sh = worksheets(v(i))
set rng = sh.Range("A1").currentRegion
set rng1 = sh1.Cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup)
if not isempty(rng1) then set rng1 = rng1(2)
rng1.Pastespecial xlValues

Mike Fogleman

Sub CopyData()
Dim Lrow As Long

Worksheets("errors").UsedRange.Copy Worksheets("data_sum").Range("A1")
Lrow = Worksheets("data_sum").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Worksheets("corrects").UsedRange.Copy Worksheets("data_sum").Range("A" &
End Sub

Mike F

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