Add Decorative Borders to Labels



I am making labels for book dedications where the labels will go on the
inside of the front hardcover. The specific label I am using is Avery 5164
(3.33" ht x 4" width), if that helps. I want to add a decorative border to
each label...and by decorative I mean something besides a ridiculous
straight, dotted, or dashed line. Is the only way to do this by
downloading/getting the border I need, inserting into each label as a
graphic, and then creating a text box to insert the dedication text? I can
also use the text box border, but again those are just the plain straight,
dotted, or dahed line. I need something with maybe a triangle/diamond at
each corner, double lines, etc. Thanks for any help...


Ahhh...those little details I forgot to include. ;-) Word 2003
(non-profit) on an old Windows 2000 machine.



Thanks for the link, but that doesn't answer my question. If you read my
question you would have seen that I already know how to "add a graphic to a
label." One of my questions was is that the only way to do it? Word does
not have a decorative border feature other than inserting a graphic to each
label? Is this even the correct forum or should my question be in the
general section? (I can't believe I am the only person who ever needed a
decorative border added to a label! After all these years, MS had to improve
this function somehow!)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Word (unlike Publisher) allows "border art" only for page borders, so yes,
the only way to add a border to labels is the way Graham describes.

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