Add document to favourite (work) menu in Word 2008 - or stacks?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

In Word 2004, I found it very practical to create own (work) menus for the projects I worked with, and add the most frequently used documents to each project menu. Have tried all different tricks I could imagine in Word 2008 to do the same, without success. It is easy to create new menues (via tools), but how do I add the documents to the new menues? I thought I found a way trough adding a document to the work menu and then drag and drop it on my own favourite menus. But it did not work - I understand that the work menu docs do not contain the paths to a specific document when dragged to a new menu, but appears to point at where on the workmenu it is situated. Is not possible to do this in word 2008? Or is there a way one can do it? I search the forum and understand that some people are suggesting to use stacks instead. But still i find quite convinient to have a few extra menues with the most used documents in word on the menubar.
Grateful for any comments and suggestions - and eventual experience from using stacks instead...


I'm not at all clear on what you claim to have done in 2004. Although you
can create as many Custom menus as you wish the Work menu can only be added
once ‹ even if you rename it. I must also admit that I have no idea how to
add individual documents to a menu other than the Work menu, but even if it
can be done it sounds like you might be trying to re-invent the wheel :)

Have you looked into using the Office Project Gallery? It's designed to
facilitate exactly what you're attempting to do and more... Without adding
any custom menus. Look it up in any Office app's Help.

The Stacks suggestion is also an option as is adding files/folders to the
Sidebar of the Finder window.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks for the answer Bob,
It was a bit tricky to get the documents to new Custom Menues in Word 2004, but it worked well. The menues and document remained when I updated to W 2008 a year ago. But I have not managed to understand how to add/change document in the menues in word 2008. Yes I have also used Office Project Manager and Gallery - but project manager slow downs the application considerably. (Maybe it is Entourage, which I used before but found to slow down the computer). The same with project gallery, it is a little to slow. I found it very convinient to have direct access to the most used documents in Menubars - without slowing down the application/computer. Stacks is an option, but then, as far as I learnt now, you have to create a new folder and add the files to the new folder - instead of just picking the documents from where they are and put them on a Menu. So if it was possible I would prefer the menu solution. If anybody know if it is possible or not...


Through the Customize dialog there is an Add to Work Menu command which I
usually add to the Work menu itself. Simply selecting that command while the
file is open adds it to the menu. I'm sure this will not do any good for
adding individual documents to any other menu -- custom or otherwise.

There is a ToolsCustomizeRemoveMenuShortcut command which can also be
triggered using the keystroke: Command+Option+Shift+- [the minus sign on the
numeric keypad]. You have to be careful with that though because once you
issue that command the next menu item or menu you select will be removed.

As to go about what you did in 2004 I don't know what to tell you because I
have no idea what that was. AFAIK, individual documents & folders cannot be
added to anything other than the Work menu -- at least not without the use
of VBA which isn't supported in 2008. Further, menu/toolbar customization
hasn't changed all that much over the last several versions. If you'll
describe how you managed to do what you did in 2004 & why that isn't working
for you in 2008 perhaps someone can offer suggestions.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks CyberTaz for the comment.
Unfortunately I do not remember how I manage to add document to my custom menues. But it worked well. Unfortunately I did not write down. I remember that it was a bit tricky, but not that complicated.
I have, however, now started to use stacks, as suggested. I add alias of the files I like to have in the same "project" stack. It works fine. An advantage to have it on the menu in word is that the files in the stacks are available in all programs. The disadvantage is that I found it more convinient to have the files in a project menu in word, which is the programme I use most of the tim

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