Add dynamic link of excel table and one-note



One-Note 2003,

at present time we can copy a table from excel to note, but it is static (no
automatic recalculation).
It would be interesting to have this tab dynamic in note. if I change a
number, it recalculate exactly as if I were in excel.

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James Gockel

onenote is not excel, and should not be treated like it is.
Onenote is for notetaking. not spreadsheets... nor tables...


James Gockel

an OLE extension might be ok... but also you have to understand onenote is
designed for notetaking. not document editing, not word replacement... ect.
If OLE extensions are available in onenote, then onenote would (In my
opinion) get too full and clumsy, and bulky. And then you would never need
another office program, why would you? You could just open a OLE of Exell
and work in onenote, or of word, or of powerpoint... where the point is that
onenote is designed to take notes of lectures, meetings, write ontop of
other documents... but clearly not edit anything.

I know my responce may be very opinionated, and ranty, but it's the best I
can give you. I mean, in the end, you'know... I wish I could play my old
super nintendo games on my play station 2.... but alas that is a lost cause.
Though, Who knows what will come out on "Onenote 12"

Please keep replys in the newsgroup.:
Hi James,
First of all, thanks for your quick answer.
How do you secure an entire section of one-note?
Is you share some notes, you may want to let people look all note except
some of them.
About the excel inclusion in one-note:
This is your point of view, I'm not fully agree, to have the possibility to
mix both tool can be a great feature when your are a big user of both as I'm
(it doesn't and shouldn't replace it).
This kind of features has been done in Word with an OLE link.

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