add feature to merge 2 different tables



OneNote 2007 beta: must add feature to merge 2 different tables.
When one table is right below a separate table on a page, I want to be able
to select both tables and merge them into one big table such that the rows of
the lower table are added to the rows of the upper table.

Would be nice if could also merge 2 tables that are side by side (instead of
above and below each other as mentioned above)

Also, should have feature to split a single table into 2 separate tables.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
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David Rasmussen [MS]

Re merge:
have you tried just deleting the space between the two tables? This merges
the tables into one for me.
Put the cursor on the line between the two tables and hit backspace or
delete. We tried to do things like that automatically.

And to split a table try the following. Put the cursor in a cell in a line
that you want to be the last line of the top. Then hit Ctrl-Enter (creates
new line below it). Then hit backspace (shoudl remove this line from table
and split your table in two).

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