Add files using CMW for Office 2003



I use the CMW to add files to PCs. We recently changed the outlook.hol file
to include some of our company paydays and holidays. I added this updated
file to the cmw. After running the maintwiz, the file is updated on the PC
with the original date and time of the file (outlook.hol). I had to make
another change to this file adding cultural holidays and needed to redeploy
this update. Now when I run mainwiz on the PCs, the file gets copied but the
date and time stamp of the file is now equal to the date and time it got
copied and not the original modified date and time. Now everyone has the
updated file but each one has a different date and time stamp.

Something changed the behavior and I heard that there is an update or hotfix
to the maintwiz. I can't seem to find it anywhere.

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