add grid on just last page of document



I'm having trouble adding grid to just the last page of a document.When I add
the grid to the drawing canvas on last page, then click out of canvas....the
grid shows up on the previous two pages. And yes I need to see grid lines on
last page. Anyone know how to do this???....all Word Help suggestions have
not been of benefit.



The Grid is just a tool to help in the sizing & positioning of drawing
objects in your document. As such it simply is turned on/off as necessary. It
is not an object (such as the shapes themselves) and is not page, object or
canvas specific, nor does it print.

What you seem to be looking for might be done by creating a Table on the
last page and setting the column widths & row heights to Exactly .13 (default
grid size) or whatever specifications you prefer. (Note that the smallest
column width you can specify in the Table>Insert>Table dialog box is .17, but
once the table is created you can set the rows & columns to a smaller size.)

HTH |:>)

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