Hi, I'm currently developing a documents manager that stores th
documents in sql server. The application is developed in classic ASP
sqlserver and pffice automation. The application lets you program
circuit o responsabilities and many other features.
I use IExplorer and DSOFramer ActiveX Office Control to process and
print and perform other processes to office docs.
Currently I have found a solution having 2 instances of dsoframer o
the page. I use vbvscript to control the instances. I open a templat
(.dot) into the first dsoframer control instance (lets call it oDodT)
Then Word Document (.doc) into the another instance of dsoframe
control (lets call it oDOcD). Select wholestory from oDocD, selec
bookmark("doc_content") from oDocT. Then do PasteandFormat to oDocT. S
this way the application lets you select between templates to print you
But have a problem with some documents written in word 97 found in man
companies nowadays. When the content is pasted, oooppssss, somethin
extrange occurs. The normal text becomes Italic and the italic Tex
becomes Normal.
So I decided to follow another way to give header and footer to offic
docs. Instead of pasting the contents of docs to templates I want t
ADD header and footer to Docs.
I'm not an expert on this. I'm a senior web apps developer. I foun
difficult to translate to vbscript some vba sintax but after man
try/error I have come up with something.
Here's my email address (e-mail address removed) (MSN welcomed), so w
can share our knowledge or codes.
I want to copy header and footer from a template, or create them on th
fly, then add them (or paste them) to .doc.
1 - now I do -> Open .Dot, Open .Doc, Select .Dot, Select content o
.Doc, Paste clipboard to .Dot, show .Dot, Print .Dot
2 - But want to do: ->Open .Dot, Copy header and footer, Open .Doc
paste or copy header and footer from template. Show .Doc, Print .Doc
I wanted to post the entire source code but forum doesn't allow so man
Thanks a lot for any help
documents in sql server. The application is developed in classic ASP
sqlserver and pffice automation. The application lets you program
circuit o responsabilities and many other features.
I use IExplorer and DSOFramer ActiveX Office Control to process and
print and perform other processes to office docs.
Currently I have found a solution having 2 instances of dsoframer o
the page. I use vbvscript to control the instances. I open a templat
(.dot) into the first dsoframer control instance (lets call it oDodT)
Then Word Document (.doc) into the another instance of dsoframe
control (lets call it oDOcD). Select wholestory from oDocD, selec
bookmark("doc_content") from oDocT. Then do PasteandFormat to oDocT. S
this way the application lets you select between templates to print you
But have a problem with some documents written in word 97 found in man
companies nowadays. When the content is pasted, oooppssss, somethin
extrange occurs. The normal text becomes Italic and the italic Tex
becomes Normal.
So I decided to follow another way to give header and footer to offic
docs. Instead of pasting the contents of docs to templates I want t
ADD header and footer to Docs.
I'm not an expert on this. I'm a senior web apps developer. I foun
difficult to translate to vbscript some vba sintax but after man
try/error I have come up with something.
Here's my email address (e-mail address removed) (MSN welcomed), so w
can share our knowledge or codes.
I want to copy header and footer from a template, or create them on th
fly, then add them (or paste them) to .doc.
1 - now I do -> Open .Dot, Open .Doc, Select .Dot, Select content o
.Doc, Paste clipboard to .Dot, show .Dot, Print .Dot
2 - But want to do: ->Open .Dot, Copy header and footer, Open .Doc
paste or copy header and footer from template. Show .Doc, Print .Doc
I wanted to post the entire source code but forum doesn't allow so man
Thanks a lot for any help