add-in / dll import function



i have developped an add-in that exports some functions to the excel api
throw the excel4(xlfregister..) function. But i need to export some other
functions that are defined in another dll (linked to the add-in). i didn't
success to make it work.
someone has an idea about what should be done for that?
many thanks in advance


You are probably having an issue in the way you compiled the addi-ins.
There are two methods used for calling a routine. The "standar
microsoft method" and the "C-Language method". Depending on th
compiler options and the declarations of the function how the function
are called. Often DLLs have multiple netry points for the same functio
which provides compatibility for being called from bot methods.

I think the solution is in the 1st DLL make sure you define the 2nd Dl
functions using the correct method

youssef alaoui

You are probably having an issue in the way you compiled the addi-ins.
There are two methods used for calling a routine.  The "standard
microsoft method" and the "C-Language method".  Depending on the
compiler options and the declarations of the function how the functions
are called.  Often DLLs have multiple netry points for the same function
which provides compatibility for being called from bot methods.

I think the solution is in the 1st DLL make sure you define the 2nd Dll
functions using the correct method.

joel's Profile:
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Microsoft Office Help

hi joel,
thanks for your answer.
do you mean that i need to duplicate the declarations of my functions
in the xll and make an explicite (or implicite call) from them to the
functions declared in my dll? this will make the calling process slow.
i was wonderning if there was a solution that enables me to register
my functions from the dlll directly to the excel menu interface.



first you still have to solve your inital calling problem if you wher
going to create an add-in to be loaded into excel. Second, I think yo
are wrongg with the speed issue. If you don't declare a variable in VB
is is assumed to be a variant. When you have variants excels can lear
from the object(s) the properties but this takes longer the first tim
you call the code.

Here is an example of the declaration statement when calling a dll fro

Public Declare Function FtpGetFile Lib "wininet.dll" Alia
"FtpGetFileA" _
(ByVal hFtpSession As Long, ByVal lpszRemoteFile As String, _
ByVal lpszNewFile As String, ByVal fFailIfExists As Boolean
ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwContext As Long) As Boolean

The calling process use the Microsoft Standard method for creatting th
call stack. Most compilers on windos have options to either compile th
code as Standard or C-Language. If you don't understand tthe differenc
see this article

'Calling convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

youssef alaoui

first you still have to solve your inital calling problem if you where
going to create an add-in to be loaded into excel.  Second, I think you
are wrongg with the speed issue.  If you don't declare a variable in VBA
is is assumed to be a variant.  When you have variants excels can learn
from the object(s) the properties but this takes longer the first time
you call the code.

Here is an example of the declaration statement when calling a dll from

Public Declare Function FtpGetFile Lib "wininet.dll" Alias
"FtpGetFileA" _
(ByVal hFtpSession As Long, ByVal lpszRemoteFile As String, _
ByVal lpszNewFile As String, ByVal fFailIfExists As Boolean,
ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwContext As Long) As Boolean

The calling process use the Microsoft Standard method for creatting the
call stack.  Most compilers on windos have options to either compile the
code as Standard or C-Language.  If you don't understand tthe difference
see this article

'Calling convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia'

joel's Profile:
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Microsoft Office Help

i'm trying to use the c-language calling procedure by using an xll to
load my function in the excel menu. i succeded to load functions that
are declared in the xll i'm using but my question is about loading
throw this xll, functions that are declared in an other dll.
anyway, thank you for your answers. i'll search deeply on that.
many thanks



As I said before. The DLL need two function. One when called fro
C-Language and one from VBA. Something like this

Myfunction(c language parameter list)

'You code here


MyfunctionA(standard parameter list)

'enter any conversion code required.
Call Myfunction(C language paremter list)


Call Myfunction when using from C -language. Call MyfunctionA whe
calling from VBA. This is what the standard Dll's to in th
windows/system32 folder

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