Add-In killing my O2k7 setup?



I have built a successful silent install package of Office 2007 w/ SP1 via
the OCT, to deploy in our environment. However I am trying to get the
Add-In ‘Save As PDF XPS’ to install at the same time and it just keeps on
bombing out. The odd thing, is if you go to the Add-Ins tab in say, Word
2007 after its installed it lists ‘SaveAsPDF’… as a COM based add-in
available. (Is that the default if?) But it’s nowhere to be found.

I want the Save as PDF ass-in to install silently during office install. I
placed the SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe file at the root of the installation files.
In the OCT, I went to ‘Setup>Add Installations and Run Programs’ I added a
new entry with the settings below:
Full string as it shows

Command Line:
[post install] [INSTALLLOCATION]\SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe


SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe /quiet

Can you guys see any issues of why it may be failing? Do I need to extract
the SaveAsPDFandXPS MSI file, then us that instead of the exe during setup?


Carey Frisch [MVP]

Please repost your inquiry in the Office 2007 Planning and Deployment forum:

I have built a successful silent install package of Office 2007 w/ SP1 via
the OCT, to deploy in our environment. However I am trying to get the
Add-In ‘Save As PDF XPS’ to install at the same time and it just keeps on
bombing out. The odd thing, is if you go to the Add-Ins tab in say, Word
2007 after its installed it lists ‘SaveAsPDF’… as a COM based add-in
available. (Is that the default if?) But it’s nowhere to be found.

I want the Save as PDF ass-in to install silently during office install. I
placed the SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe file at the root of the installation files.
In the OCT, I went to ‘Setup>Add Installations and Run Programs’ I added a
new entry with the settings below:
Full string as it shows

Command Line:
[post install] [INSTALLLOCATION]\SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe


SaveAsPDFandXPS.exe /quiet

Can you guys see any issues of why it may be failing? Do I need to extract
the SaveAsPDFandXPS MSI file, then us that instead of the exe during setup?


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