Add-In macro doesn't show in ALT+F8 list?



I wrote a macro and put it into an Add-In (in a template, in the right
folder, added and everything). Tools>>Templates and Add-Ins shows the
template and it's checked.

If I do ALT+F8, with the list showing macros in "All active templates
and documents", the macro name doesn't show up. If I change the
drop-down to show only the name of the Add-In, the macro name shows.

What do I need to do t fix this?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Ed,
I wrote a macro and put it into an Add-In (in a template, in the right
folder, added and everything). Tools>>Templates and Add-Ins shows the
template and it's checked.

If I do ALT+F8, with the list showing macros in "All active templates
and documents", the macro name doesn't show up. If I change the
drop-down to show only the name of the Add-In, the macro name shows.
any chance another addin (including or an opened template or
document contains a macro with the same name? That would be a conflict
that Word probably resolves by not showing the name at all...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question
or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


D'oh!! Of course I built the the code in Normal, and then copied it
into another template file for distribution. Renaming the one in
Normal solved the issue. Thank you!


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