I am working on and add-in that deletes empty rows and columns for
sorting and subtotalling. The data is generated from a Crystal Report.
I manually run the code to generate the menu item and then am hoping
that the procedure will execute on any new sheet.
I am having two problems with the Add-In
A) When I click on the menu item, I get an error that the macro can't
be found - "The macro 'ClearSheet.xla!CleanSheet' cannot be found"
B) Executing the the code in the Add-In doesn't seem to delete the rows
and columns in the new workbook. I have to copy the code over to the
new workbook and then run the code from there.
Here is the code:
Public Sub CreateMenu()
Dim HelpMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim NewMenu As CommandBarPopup
Dim MenuItem As CommandBarControl
Dim SubMenuItem As CommandBarButton
Call DeleteMenu
Set HelpMenu = Application.CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=30010)
'If Help Menu doesn't exist add to end of menu items
If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then
Set NewMenu =
Set NewMenu =
Before:=HelpMenu.Index, temporary:=False)
End If
NewMenu.Caption = "Reporting"
'First Menu Item
Set MenuItem = NewMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With MenuItem
..Caption = "Gross &Margin by Part ID"
..OnAction = "CleanSheet"
End With
End Sub
Sub DeleteMenu()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Public Sub CleanSheet()
Deleted for brevity
(Code that deletes empty rows and columns)
End Sub
sorting and subtotalling. The data is generated from a Crystal Report.
I manually run the code to generate the menu item and then am hoping
that the procedure will execute on any new sheet.
I am having two problems with the Add-In
A) When I click on the menu item, I get an error that the macro can't
be found - "The macro 'ClearSheet.xla!CleanSheet' cannot be found"
B) Executing the the code in the Add-In doesn't seem to delete the rows
and columns in the new workbook. I have to copy the code over to the
new workbook and then run the code from there.
Here is the code:
Public Sub CreateMenu()
Dim HelpMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim NewMenu As CommandBarPopup
Dim MenuItem As CommandBarControl
Dim SubMenuItem As CommandBarButton
Call DeleteMenu
Set HelpMenu = Application.CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=30010)
'If Help Menu doesn't exist add to end of menu items
If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then
Set NewMenu =
Set NewMenu =
Before:=HelpMenu.Index, temporary:=False)
End If
NewMenu.Caption = "Reporting"
'First Menu Item
Set MenuItem = NewMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With MenuItem
..Caption = "Gross &Margin by Part ID"
..OnAction = "CleanSheet"
End With
End Sub
Sub DeleteMenu()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Public Sub CleanSheet()
Deleted for brevity
(Code that deletes empty rows and columns)
End Sub