ADD-IN will not appear in MENU BAR



I'm having a problem with several ADD-INs not appearing on a menu bar when
Excel opens. One ADD-IN loads perfectly and 5 won't load.
The PC is running XP, ADD-INs will not load when Excel opens even though the
ADD-INs are properly installed. The ADD-IN that does load easily is in the
same folder as the 5 problem files. The box in TOOLS > ADD-INs remains
checked to "on" between Excel sessions for all 6 ADD-INS. Unchecking and
then re-checking the box in TOOLS > ADD-INs causes that ADD-IN's menu to
reappear on the menu bar. Then everything works fine until the next time
Excel opens. Does anyone know what I need to do in order to cause the ADD-IN
to load every time Excel starts?


Bob Phillips

It sounds as though some code is failing that adds the commandbars in those
addins, but without seeing it is difficult to be precise.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Peter T

A wild guess -

Code to create the addin's menu items is in the AddinInstall event, also
menus are deleted when the addin unloads (a normal thing to do). If you have
that combination initiate the code to create the menus from the
Workbook_Open event or Auto_open in a normal module.

Peter T


Thanks, Bob

But why would the Add-in appear when I toggle the check box on and of in
tools > Add-ins?

These Add-ins were written by other folks and the code is passworded so I
can't get a sample.


Bob Phillips

Because the circumstances are (slightly different), so it may react


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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