Assume names running in A2 down
In B2: =IF(TRIM(A2)="","",TRIM(A2)&"")
Copy down all the way. Then if desired, kill/freeze col B with an "in-place"
copy n paste special as values. Any joy? hit the YES below.
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How do i copy down?
Easiest way is to drag the cell's fill handle down, ie point the cursor at
the bottom right hand corner of the 1st formula cell (ie B1), then drag down.
When you point the cursor at the cell's fill handle, it looks like a solid
little black square. Any joy? hit the YES below
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I would say the easiest way to copy down is to double-click the fill handle
if there is data in the adjacent column...........which there is in this
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
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